venue: The Edge at Federation Square
(gorgeous place all surrounded by glass)
date: September 8
so we had our second music concert for the year. it was sooo bloody brilliant. much better than the first. first of all the venue was jst amazing. and the audience are all seated close to the stage, great acoustics and spectacular view as all around is jst glass.
it was such a fun night. i was in the choral group. and we had been practicing like anything past few weeks. all the dance steps and singing. we were gonna do abba songs. hehe.
the dressing rooms at the edge....jst perfect. huge. mirrors all around. lights surroundin the mirror. stalls to change in. so girls had one big room and guys had one big room. then we can meet outside in the general room which had bean bags and everything. hhahaha. and all this was below the stage.
in the afternoon when we were rehearsing,i thought we sounded really bad cause i could only hear myself and the person next to me. but turns out, its jst the way the acoustics were desgined. so my music teacher said we sounded brilliant even though we couldn hear our collective sounds. anywayz, the night came and the place filled up. my aunty, uncle and tash were there. tons of teachers came as well.
our first song is the formal church song. we were dressed in all black for tht. after tht were piano recitals and solo singing performance. lastly was our abba/mamma mia act.
went brilliantly. at first we were all nervous but then we saw everyone was like smling and singing along. so we jst smiled and danced our heart out. we did i have a dream, dancing queen, does ur mother know and mamma mia. we got a standing ovation frm some the crowd at the end of it. and of course we had the best time cam whorin. cause the attire for the mamma mia part was bright beach wear. so everyone was in such bright happy colours. had so much fun under the stage fooling abt.
the next day, random teachers were like coming up to me saying "oh u guyss were so brilliant yesterday. the sound was amazing, and the dancing was great" stuff like tht =)
pictures up on facebook :D